Questions to ask yourself before any real estate adventure
Entering your real estate adventure with clarity helps ensure YOUR needs are met and YOUR goals are accomplished - whether you’re looking to Sell, Buy or Invest.
What’s most important to me about the process?
What’s most important to me about who helps me accomplish this goal?
What will this move do for my life?
When do I want to be into my new home? When do I need to be?
What (specifically) do I want to get out of this move?
What am I willing to compromise on?
I’m most concerned about:
I’m most excited about:
I will need help with:
The person who will be able to help me is:
How much money do I have to invest in the transaction?
What questions do I have?
Where do I want to live/invest? What’s important about that to me?
What other dynamics, unrelated to this move, should I be considering?
How do I want to set my criteria?
What parts of my current situation do I want to keep?
What parts of my current situation do I want to change?
This will help me keep it fun: